Your company demands 100% of your focus and energy. At Miway Business Insurance, we understand that your time is precious, which is why we are proud to offer MiBusinessAssist, through an external service provider, Digicall, to take care of all the admin while you focus on growing your business.
Get access to IT and marketing expertise, legal and labour advice, traffic fine support, medical assistance - and more. We'll help you grow and protect the business you've worked so hard to build.
MiBusinessAssist is a business support service designed to reduce unnecessary operational costs, and is not a regulated financial product.
Most businesses and their employees face the dire reality of the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of the lockdown period in the coming weeks and months.
Through MiBusinessAssist, you will have access to guidance in getting business funding or payment relief.
This service offers access to a network of qualified lawyers, advocates and legal consultants who will provide you with 24-hour legal advice, free standard legal documents and a free 30-minute consultation with a lawyer.
A business's online presence needs to be fully optimised to meet their target audience's needs and provide a return on investment.
Marketing services available include, amongst others, the setup of a Facebook Business page, logo design, starter webpage and direct email marketing campaign.
Get 24/7 call-centre support and advice on various labour-related matters such as risk management and advisory consultation services, union negotiations and strike action, the chairing and initiation of hearings and retrenchment consultations.
Think of this as your 24/7 personal assistant, helping you to spend more time running your business by procuring goods and services at competitive rates, arranging bookings and performing telephonic personal assistance services.
Highly-skilled financial advisors will assist you with basic financial counselling, formal debt review, financial planning, tax returns and debt wellness or counselling.
This service provides you with immediate access to a team of dedicated nurses and paramedics, together with a national complement of accredited medical assistance service providers.
Get access to general medical advice, crisis telephone lines and emergency medical transportation.
In the event of a sudden, unexpected or unforeseen emergency at your primary business premises, the Emergency Office Assist call centre will relay a notification to required mergency service providers, such as the police, traffic department, fire brigade, an ambulance, etc.
With this service, IT experts provide 24/7 support on IT-related issues. Technical support includes troubleshooting or maintaining self-service websites, software support and systems support (servers, workstations, storage devices, terminals, peripherals, etc.).
Get notified of relevant tenders for your industry (or in your specified areas of business) and receive assistance with a professional tender document.
Get assistance with the process of renewing South African vehicle licence dics (notification, payment and delivery) as well as traffic fine support (notification, payment and legal or administrative support).
For more information, download the MiBusinessAssist brochure. Alternatively, call the BusinessAssist Helpdesk on 0860 003 237 or WhatsApp 060 071 8559.
Services are available 24 / 7, but please note that specialised advice may be limited to office hours (8am-5pm; Mon to Fri). Standard rates, Ts and Cs apply. MiBusinessAssist is offered through a third party.